Friday, November 26, 2010

Nicholas' 1st Thanksgiving

A bib present sent from Juliie over in Indiana tryin to get him to at least convert to a Purdue basketball fan.

Who are the Boiler Makers again?

Nicholas' outfit he wore coming home from the hospital; he sure has filled it out.

Great Uncle Kenny was a rude guest; he was asleep when we got there and continued to sleep until Mom woke him up.  He didn't know what to think about waking up to a strange woman next to him.

Pap Pap & Great Aunt Joyce ready to dig in

Nana & Aunt Penny preparin Turkey meal even before tappin into the wine; see still full bottles.

Who Me?  What did I do?  I didn't do it!

Aunt Penny carvin up the turkey.

Nicholas only dreamin of what the fuss is all about Thanksgiving; tastin the turkey and mashed taters & gravy.

Grandma Faust & Jamie ready to eat.

Preparation of of Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving meal prepared by all.

Mom Great Aunt Joyce, Great Uncle Kenny, cousins Madilyn & Jamie eating Thanksgiving dinner

Nicholas enjoyin his couch and slanted pillow

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Grandma Faust visit

Grandma Faust came to stay and visit Nicholas for over Thanksgiving week.

Grandma gives Pap a chance to settle him down

Nana, Grandma, Pap and Nicholas.

Nicholas' first photo op with Santa Claus

Nicholas not too sure about the Santa thing yet.

Nicholas enjoying his boucy seat on the kitchen table while Grandma does her Saduko puzzle.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Not to sure about this OSU onesie Maybe if it was Blue & Gold!!!

Cruzin for chicks!!!  Cousin Jordan's old car she out grew and gave to Nicholas.

Cousin Jordan's old bed that Nicholas loves!

Mommy's idea of a frog theme for Nicholas' room.

Grandma Faust gave Nicholas a Pound Puppy that belonged to Grandpa Faust she got for him.

Nicholas petting his Pound Puppy and/or feels Grandpa aura.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween 2010

Nicholas chillin on Aunt Cheryl

Nicholas is not Daddy's little monster..just at night time when normal people sleep.  One of the options for dressin up that did not make it.

Mommy wanted to dress Nicholas up in a "Pea Pod" outfit, but was way too hot for him.

Daddy bought the 1st outfit for Nicholas which he wore later that eveing.

Aunt Cheryl's costume won the pick of outfits Nicholas wore.  It actually came off his bear Aunt Chery got him
from "Build-a-Bear.


Aunt Nickie, Nicholas & Jordan on a hay wagon pulled by a golf cart going trick or treating.

Nicholas is gearing up for some of his tricks if he don't get any good candy...

Cousin Jordan as Mini Mouse

Grandma as "Scary Mary"

Is this a sugar high from tick or treating...

Aunt Chery & Nicholas just before trick or treating

Mommy, Nicholas, Jordan & Aunt Nickie on the hay wagon going door to door begging for candy.

Uncle Chris & Jordan coming from a house with candy

Jordan & Aunt Nickie hit up another house begging for candy.

Nicholas hits his very first house for Halloween and scores big time.  Thank goddness Daddy has a big hand and grabbed alot.

Sugar crash on Aunt Cheryl

Mommy & Nicholas alseep on Jordan's little couch after a hard day.

Grandma ready to fall asleep just like her grandson

Daddy giving Nicholas a bath with Cousin Jordan.  Nicholas loved this bath since he could be submerged more and floated without being held; the bottom part anyway.

Grandma soothing Nicholas after his bath as Jordan looks on.

Uncle Chris finally holds Nicholas.

Jordan Nicholas & Uncle Chris pose after a bath.

Jordan, Aunt Nickie, Nicholas & Uncle Chris.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
