Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dad's B-day, Calendon Park & Park 28 Dec 15-2 Jan 16

Nicholas & Andrew surround Daddy for his 51st Birthday.

The boys pose with Daddy on his Birthday.

Another shot of Daddy & his boys.

The boys blow out Daddy's Candle on his cupcake.

Nicholas getting the hang of using a crane toy at Caledon Park.

Andrew really working the crane at Caledon Park after watching Nicholas.

Nicholas riding a spring squirrel.

Andrew riding a spring frog.

The boys wanting Daddy to spin them around.

Andrew give the crane another go.

The boys sit and pose on a tire spring.

The boys play at the play ground at Caledon before going hiking; hence the boots and binoculars.

The boys on the nature walk getting fresh air after being cooped up in the house for more than a week due to rain.

Nicholas showing off on the nature trail.

Daddy challenged the boys to shake off all the remaining leaves on the tree.

Andrew watching Nicholas use the binoculars.

Nicholas looking for birds that were chirping.

Nicholas posing again and showing off.

Andrew running with a stick down the trail.

The boys climbing on the rails on a bridge at Caledon Park.

The boys checking out nature on the bridge.

The boys holding hands walking the nature trail.

The boys still holding hands and Andrew looks up making sure Daddy is still nearby.

The boys heading to the little frog pond.

The boys throw rocks in the water.

The boys learning about the Bald Eagle from a Park Ranger.

The boys take off running to the truck.

The boys keep on running and waiting for Daddy to catch up with them.

Karen pushes Andrew on swing at Pratt Park.

Nicholas getting his turn on the swing with Mommy pushing.

Nicholas enjoying being pushed by Mommy on the swing.

The boys leading the way for Mommy on the nature trail at Pratt Park.

Nicholas showing off as Andrew checks out something on the bridge.

The boys crossing a bridge waiting on Mommy & Daddy.
The boys do their version of "Up Town Funk" for Mommy at the amphitheater at Pratt Park.

The boys run up a hill to get back the car after playing on playground equipment and nature walk.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Christmas 2015

Andrew and Nicholas eating dinner at their table in front of the Christmas tree that was put up the day after Thanksgiving.

Karen supervising the building of a ginger bread house.  Andrew placing candy on the roof.

Karen applying more icing as the boys pose.

Nicholas approving his accomplishment as Karen cleans up.

The boys checking out their ginger bread house as Mommy puts the finishing touches on it.

Another day Karen rolls out some dough to make sugar cookies with the boys.

Andrew getting into the dough cutting out his cookie.  Nicholas checking out his cookies he pressed out.

Andrew taking it upon himself to cut out his own cookies.

Andrew making faces about his cookie making adventure.

Our Christmas tree with the boys gifts on Christmas Eve.

Andrew gets right to opening his presents.

Nicholas checking his stocking for goodies.

Video of the boys opening their gifts.

Nicholas gets a wooden car puzzle.

Andrew getting to the big box.

The boys opening more presents.

Andrew opened a truck carrier.

Andrew's mischievous look as he poses with his loot.

The boys open presents from Mommy & Daddy.

Andrew shows off his new Kindle tablet.

Nicholas shows off his Kindle tablet.
The boys opening gifts that they each got for the other.

Andrew picked out a monster truck for Nicholas and paid for it from his allowance.

Andrew poses with his monster truck that Nicholas got for him.  Nicholas actually picked out and paid for it with the money in he wallet he gets for an allowance.

Nicholas opening gifts from Aunt Steffie & Uncle Steve.

Andrew opening gifts from Aunt Steffie & Uncle Steve.

Nicholas poses with his gifts from Santa as Andrew continues to play.

The boys giving Daddy his gifts and help open them up.

Andrew helping Daddy open his present from him.

Mommy opening a present Andrew picked out for her.  Nicholas can't wait for his turn to give Mommy his present.

Andrew got Mommy a necklace with the quote we all to each other; "I Love You to the Moon and Back".

Mommy opening the gift from Nicholas.

Karen gets out her gift from Nicholas as Andrew looks on.

Mommy gives Nicholas a hug and thanks him.

The boys opening gifts from Nanny & Pap.
Video of the boys opening their gifts from Nana & Pap.

Andrew gets some Blaze Monster Trucks.

Nicholas gets some paints from Nana & Pap.

Andrew stands over and opens a present.

Nicholas checks out his new lantern fro Nana & Pap.
Nicholas opens some wooden kits and Andrew tears into his monster trucks.

Pap watches as Andrew opens his lantern as Nana watches Nicholas.

Andrew telling Pap all about the lantern.

Pap helps open the lantern for Nicholas as Andrew watches on.

Nana watches Pap put batteries in the lantern with the boys.

The boys watching Pap's every move about the lantern.

Nicholas helps Pap open his lined pants for hunting.

Andrew helping Nana open her box with clothes.

Pap checks out his pants.

Nana checks out her clothes.

The kids table for Christmas dinner.  Nicholas, Andrew, Cameron, Madeline, Carly & Jamie.

Madeline poses for a pic;  NOT!

Madeline, Carly & Jamie eating dinner.

Nicholas' Santa he got Mommy for Christmas made it out to one of the adult tables.
Joe, Penny, Karen eating while Aaron holds Andrew.

Nana, Charlie & Joni eating.

The kids out in the kitchen accompanied with Cameron.

Karen, Pap and Nana eating.

Aaron and Lina eating while Nicholas shows Aaron a card he made.

Jamie & Aaron volunteer to put the Hot Wheels parking garage.

Nana watches as the boys put the garage together.

Penny & Andrew eating dessert.

The girls lounging around after dinner with the boys on the floor.

The boys getting further on putting the garage together.

Nicholas plays with the finished garage.

Andrew relaxing in my chair.

Uncle Kenny & Pap talking.

Nana & Aunt Joyce.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
