Monday, June 26, 2017

Frazier Mason Ride 2017

The 11th year for the Frazier/Mason Motorcycle ride.  The boys standing next to a HUMVEE.

The boys in a RAZOR

Andrew checking out the big gun and ammo.

The boys watching EOD robots in action.

Nicholas cannot wait for his turn to operate the robot.

Andrew gets a turn at running the robot.

Nicholas' turn.  It helps knowing the EOD guys too from work.

Time for refreshments

Madeline with us too while Joe and Penny rode the motorcycle.

Andrew checking out all the bikes coming.

Miss Wendy showing Andrew how to stick his hand out for high fives.  Wendy is one of Andrew' teachers at day care.

Andrew gets a high five.

Mr Tim and Andrew.

One of Daddy's co-worker Charles Ashton who served in the Marine Corp.

Lina and Aaron with the boys.

The boys watching one of the deputies setting up and riding the obstacle course.

Andrew was the representative from his class to give Mr Tim a card his class did up for the Masons.

Tim thanking Andrew

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
