Monday, April 25, 2011

Nicholas on Easter Day 2011

Nicholas with his eggs he gathered from the FOP Easter Egg Hunt yesterday.

Nicholas posing with his collection of eggs.

Nicholas posing for his picture.

Easter morning, the Easter Bunny left Nicholas his basket with goodies.

Nicholas not havin any problem gettin into his basket of goodies.

Nicholas got his own lap top computer and a box of Disney books from Mommy & Daddy.

Nicholas with clothes, stuffed frog and a Mickey Mouse pillow and sleeping bag.

Nicholas gettin another basket over at Nana & Pap Pap's house.

Mommy, Nana and Cameron look on at Nicholas gettin into his Easter basket.

Nicholas looks up at Nana with approval of his basket.

Madelyn, Nana Cameron and Karen on Easter.

Nicholas lookin for Easter eggs at Nana & Pap Pap's with the help fom Mommy.

Cameron and Madelyn lookin for Easter eggs at Nana & Pap Pap's.

Daddy helpin Nicholas get a egg out of the tree in the front yard of Nana & Pap Pap's.

Mommy, Daddy & Nicholas posing for an Easter picture.

Nicholas eatin his first bit of chocolate; the ears off of the Dove bunny.

Nicholas appears to like chocolate.

Ohhhh, that was gooood!  As he grabs his belly.

Nicholas givin Aunt Penny some lovin.

Nicholas being held by Great Aunt Joyce on Easter Sunday.

Pap Pap takes Nicholas for a ride on their golf cart after dinner with Mommy & Nana.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Nicholas at the FOP Easter Egg Hunt 23 Apr 2011

Nicholas already to hunt for some eggs at the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Easter Egg Hunt.

Mommy given Nicholas some energy to hunt eggs as Nana watches.

Nicholas hopin to get a prize in the fore front at the Easter Egg Hunt.

Mommy helpin Nicholas huntin eggs.

Mommy found an egg for Nicholas in front of The Great House at Stratford Hall Plantation.

Mommy and Nicholas with the Easter Bunny.

Nicholas with his basket of eggs and the Easter Bunny.

Nicholas looks wore out with his lot of eggs he found.

Nana, Mommy & Nicholas amongst the crowd of egg seekers.

Aunt Joni, Cousin Cameron and Nicholas with Nana.

The Easter Bunny, Aunt Joni, Mommy & Nicholas.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nicholas at a T-Ball Game 19 Apr 2011

Mommy and Nicholas at Cameron, Thomas (cousins), Matthew and Britney's T-Ball game.  Nana & Aunt Penny in background.

Pap Pap explaining T-Ball to Nicholas as cousin Eli looks on.  Mommy & Aunt talking about who knows what; but it ain't T-Ball.

Cousin Cameron hitting a ground ball for a single.

Cameron on second with Britney (Paul & Dawn's girl) playing second base.

Nicholas looking for something as Nana & Pap Pap look on.  Mommy, Aunt Penny and Cousin Aaron in back ground.

Nicholas being attended by Nana in the 2nd inning stretch since there are only three innings in T-Ball.

Cousin Thomas playin first base and Britney on first ready to run to second.

Pap Pap holdin Nicholas watching the game and Cousin Jamie in back ground.

Pap Pap giving Nicholas some lovin.

Nicholas is wondering why no one is playing ball after the game with Pap Pap & Nana.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Nicholas seven month pic 17 Apr 2011

Nicholas getting a nybulizer treatment for his lungs.

Nicholas falling asleep after a hard day and getting his treatment.

Mommy put Nicholas in a pamper box and made car sounds.

Nicholas loves his new car.  Cheap Christmas this year; boxes only and unwrapped.

Mommy helping Nicholas ride his Harley that Nana & Pap Pap got him.

Nicholas' 7 month old picture.  Feeling a little better after a rough weekend and a visit to the ER.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

7 Months Old (17 April 2011)

It is hard to believe that Nicholas turned 7 months old today. It seems like I just had him. He is growing stronger everyday. He is 21 lbs and 10 ounces and wearing 9-12 months clothes!  He is sitting up on his own and going Mum Mum and Da when he is wanting something or whinning.  He is so fun to watch grow and experience new things. He loves pulling all the toys off of his playyard gym and watching his special cartoons (Mickey Mouse, Handy Mandy & OSO). He is so spoiled by our family and friends!!

We are so grateful that Nicholas Jesse Faust has come into our lives. We think God everyday for him.  We do plan to have another one if God will grate us a little brother or sister for Nicholas.

Nicholas at the Emergency Room 15 Apr 2011

  We had to take Nicholas to the ER on Friday evening due to him running a high fever. It started on Wednesday night and progressed as the days went by. We were Lucky that theytook him right away. His temp was 103.4 degrees which had gone up from earlier that day from 102.9.   He was such a good boy while they took his blood and x-rays. The result from all of this is that he had to have more frequent breathing treatments for the next 2 days (every 4 hours) and they put him on a stronger steroid for the next five days.
Mommy consoling Lil Man. 

Daddy holding Nicholas in the ER.

Nicholas finally calmed down enough to get a few winks before the Pediatrician came to see him.

They even have the gowns that show your butt for babies.

Nicholas looking peeked and wanted some loving from Mommy during his ordeal at the ER.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
