Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Faust Boys & Madeline's B-day Party 5-17 Aug 2013

Nicholas and Andrew playing in a make shift tent; port-a-crib and blanket.

Andrew matering the stairs.  He made it up all 14 of them.

Nicholas in his jump-a-roo.  Andrew wondering what the heck he is doing in that thing.

Nicholas shows Andrew how to jump.  Andrew already mastered the jumping part.

Video of Nicholas and Andrew.

Andrew had a Daddy morning while Mommy and Nicholas went shopping.  Nicholas' stomping grounds with Daddy, now it's Andrew's turn.

Andrew enjoying the outdoors by the water.

Andrew with a paddle boat and train bridge in back ground.

Some flowers at the river area.  Andrew not too enthused about the flowers.

Pap Pap picks Andrew and Nicholas up with his golf cart at the end of the driveway at Joe & Aunt Penny's.  Nicholas between Pap & Madeline.  Carley holding Andrew.

Nicholas was chasing the chickens.

Nicholas checking out the bouncer.

Andrew eyeing the chickens.  He wanted to get his hands on just one of them.

Nana and Nicholas ready for a ride with Cameron on the back.

Mommy & Andrew in the bouncer.

Andrew checking the bouncer out with Mommy watching.

Andrew, Aunt Joni & Mommy in the bouncer.

Andrew wondering how to get out og the bouncer with Mommy.

Aunt Penny taking the kids for a ride.

The boys in the back while the girls are in the front.

Daddy with Andrew in the bouncer.

Pap Pap and Andrew.

Aunt Penny and Andrew.

Pap, Andrew and Joe.

Another round of rides on the golf cart with Aunt Joni driving.

Aunt Joni broke the golf cart!!! :(  Pap driving while the kids push it back to the trailer.  Notice Nicholas is next to Pap.

Joe carrying Madeline's birthday cake out.

Madeline blows out the candles (3 tries) on her birthday cake.  She turns 11.

The kids licking the icing off the candles.

Nicholas enjoying a three tier chocolate cake and ice cream.

Nicholas soaking in the taste of the cake.

Andrew checking the goats out or vica-versa.

Andrew and Lucky checking each other out.

Pap & Nicholas by the wood pile.

Andrew checking everything out around him.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Andrew & Nicholas Pics 22 Jul-4 Aug 2013

Andrew eating some mashed potatoes.

Andrew eating McD's french fries at the park.

Karen & Nicholas pose under the trees after Mickie D's picnic.  It was a welcomed break from the hot humid days of past.

Mommy & Nicholas checking out the water as Andrew smiles with his french fries.

Nicholas looking for some rocks to throw in the water.

Daddy taught Andrew how to wave bye-bye and he is showing his talent.

Nicholas loving throwing of rocks in the water.  Notice the plumbers crack.

Nicholas watching the big splashes of his rocks.

Nicholas getting bold by going down the slide head first.

Nicholas coming down sideways.

Mommy swinging Andrew and Nicholas wants his turn.

Andrew loving to swing as he hangs on like a pro.

The boys get a drink after playing.  Nicholas' first time in the back of the stroller.

The boys getting a ride as Mommy pushes them back to the car.

Mommy feeding Andrew some Carl's ice cream after the park.

Nicholas helping himself to a spoonful of Carl's ice cream.

Andrew enjoying some of Mommy's ice cream.

Mommy with the boys at the Base pool.  It was the first time this year getting the boys to the pool since the budget cuts and the outside pool being broken.

Andrew loving the water and Nicholas get ready to take off to get soaked.

Andrew getting splashed and not even flinching from the water hitting him in the face.

Andrew & Daddy under the umbrella as Nicholas takes a dive in the water.

Daddy & Andrew outside the umbrella as Nicholas goes under it.

The boys enjoying the outdoor pool.

Andrew soaking wet.

Nicholas running thru the water.

Andrew eating green beans and mangoes as Mommy cooks dinner.

Nicholas on his bike watching the butterflies.

Nicholas rides by a butterfly on the flower.  He was a little skittish until I told him butterflies will not hurt him.

One of four butterflies that were flying around the house getting the nectar.

Andrew eyeing the doughnut bag wanting more.

Andrew enjoying his powered doughnut.

Andrew stuffing the rest of his doughnut in his mouth.

Andrew savoring the doughnut.

Mommy & Andrew get ready for a family pic.

Mommy, Daddy, Nicholas & Andrew pose in front of Nana & Pap Pap's house.  Aunt Nickie needed a pic for her project since we did not go out on the pier down in Georgia when the rest of the families went out.

Pap Pap spoiling Nicholas by getting his remote control motorcycle out just for Nicholas.

Pap giving Nicholas a go at the remote control.

Nicholas doing agood job at the remote.  Nicholas spent the night with Nana & Pap Pap and we picked him up Sunday morning.

Nicholas trying to get the motorcycle going but knew he had to bring it back out on the road.  Pap, Nana, Mommy & Andrew watch Nicholas.

Andrew, Mommy & Nana.

Nicholas chilling out watching TV after a long weekend.

Andrew could not stay awake and chilled on the floor with his new Mickey blanket.

Nicholas at Washington's birth place.  Nana, Pap Pap, Aunt Joni and Cameron took him Saturday after he got his haircut and spent the night with Nana & Pap.

Cameron & Nicholas enjoy swimming at Nana & Pap Pap's.  Nana & Pap got a new pool for the kids.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
