Friday, June 24, 2011

Nicholas' nine month check up + one week

Nicholas went for his 9 month check up and weighed in at 26.2 lbs. and 29.2" long.  The Doc says he's moving right along and progressing like he should.

9 Months Old

 It seems like yesterday Nicholas was born. It is hard to believe that he is 9 months old. He had is 9 month checkup this morning and he is 26.2 lbs and 29.2 inches long.
 Nicholas has been entertaining us more and more. He has this funny giggle. Its hard not laugh when he does it. He is getting up on one knee but can't get the other one up to start scooting or crawling. He rather be sitting or standing than on his belly so we don't see him crawling anytime soon. He is trying to pull himself up especially in the bath tub. We are working with him on getting him to put his snacks in his mouth but he can't get them from his hand into his mouth. He is learning how to drink out of a sippy cup. We have been experimenting with giving him real food but without any teeth we can't give him much to choose from.

 All in all, our little man is doing well and is grow like a weed!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Aunt Stephanie & Children visit Nicholas June 18-22, 2011

Nicholas meets his younger cousin Meghan.
Nicholas meets his Aunt Stephanie.

Daddy & Nicholas
Cousin Matthew and Nicholas watching cartoons and playing.

Nicholas and Matthew give Daddy & Uncle Rob their best shot.
Nicholas not sure about the sharing of his Jump-a-Roo.
Nicholas & Daddy on Father's Day.
Aunt Stephanie feeding Nicholas.

Uncle Rob with Cousins Christopher, Meghan, Matthew, Nicholas and Joseph after a walk at Caledon State Park.
Poor Nicholas is wore out from vacation and Cousins.
Nicholas with Christopher, Meghan and Matthew on the floor playing.

Nicholas being a big boy and sitting on the passenger side van with Aunt Stephanie and Meghan behind the wheel.
Christopher, Joseph & Matthew at Shark's Tooth Beach, Montross, VA.  Almost a year ago where Aunt Karen & Uncle Rob got married
The boys building a dam to control the water flow to the Potomac River at Shark's Tooth Beach.
Aunt Stephanie teaching the little ones how to drive.

Meghan driving her Mommy and Nicholas at Shark's Tooth Beach.

I think Aunt Stephanie is also giving lessons on how to make out at the beach too.

Matthew, Uncle Rob, Nicholas Aunt Stephanie and Meghan at the pool in Stratford Harbor.

Nicholas falls a sleep on Nana after a bottle and a full day with Aunt Stephanie and kids.

Nicholas with Pap Pap visiting Steph and the kids.

Nicholas not quite there for crawling.  He cannot get the leg out from under him yet.

Nicholas flopping down after trying to crawl.

Nicholas with cousin Christopher.

Nicholas waking Cousin Matthew up.

Nicholas pulling Meghan's ear to make sure she is awake.

Nicholas & Meghan checking each other out.

Nicholas' vacation at Nags Head, NC June 11-18, 2011

Nicholas' first vacation to Nags Head, NC.
Nicholas and Daddy enjoying the pool at the house we rented for the week.

Nicholas & Daddy catching some ZZZZZ's after a rough day on vacation.

Nana & Pap Pap (Vicki & Jesse) celebrate their 40th Anniversary at Nags Head, NC.

Nicholas & Mommy in the pool.

Nicholas & cousin Aaron in the pool.

Mommy, Nicholas, Cousin Cameron and Aunt Joni at the pool.

Pap Pap, Nana, Uncle Charlie and Kenny on the balcony looking down at everybody playing in the pool from the house.

Nicholas & Nana by the pool.

Nana soaking in the hot tub as Karen looks on.

Pap Pap, Nana feeding Nicholas and Mommy in the evening watching TV.
Nana getting Nicholas as he was waking up for the day and Mommy would like to sleep a little longer.

Nicholas with Great Aunt Joyce & Uncle Kenny.

Daddy & Nicholas pose on Jennette's Pier, Nags Head, NC.

Mommy & Nicholas on Jennette's Pier.  Nicholas fascinated with the waves.
Mommy watching Mickey Mouse with Nicholas during his bottle.

Pap Pap and Nicholas enjoying the pool.

Nana & Pap Pap with Nicholas in the pool.  As you can see Nicholas loves the pool.

Nicholas in his car as the sun comes up at the beach.

Nicholas observing the boat in the water.

Mommy & Nicholas sitting on a turtle at the Aquarium Museum in Manteo, NC.

Cousin Aaron, Uncle Charlie, Aunt Joni, Cousin Cameron, Great Aunt Joyce & Great Uncle Kenny, Mommy, Nicholas, Daddy, Nana, & Pap Pap at the Aquarium.
Nana explained to Daddy (Rob) there is something that has a bigger mouth than her.  Daddy thinks differently.

Nicholas fascinated with the fish swimming at the Aquarium Museum in Maneo, NC.

Cameron, Daddy and Nicholas watching the fish in one of many displays.
Nicholas and Daddy watching the sea life swimming around.
Mommy & Nicholas watching the fishes.
Nicholas needed a drink in the shade after watching all them fish swim around.
Mommy & Nicholas pose on a bench as the rest of the family tour the pirate ship.
Nicholas had enough as Daddy rocks him.
Mommy, Pap Pap, Nicholas & Nana at the pool.
Pap Pap showing Nicholas the ropes of climbing steps at the house.
Pap Pap & Nicholas pose.
Cousins Cameron & Aaron entertaining Nicholas on the bed.
Nicholas enjoying Cameron's company.

Mark & Kenny (friends), Aaron, Pap Pap & Charlie on a half day fishing trip.
Pap Pap, Charlie, Rob, Kenny, Aaron & Mark on a half day fishing trip.  Daddy's Father Day's present.  We caught Blue Fish and Spanish Mackerel for dinner.
Daddy & Nicholas at the beach.  Nicholas loves the sand and the way it felt on his feet.
Nicholas playing in the sand with Mommy.
Cousin Cameron checking out the ocean as pelicans fly by and ship in back ground.
Cousin Cameron poses with Nana's Da Boat, Da Boat!!!
Mommy & Nicholas by the life guard chair at the beach.
Daddy & Nicholas checking out the ocean water.  Nicholas loves the waves and seemed to love the crashing of the waves despite the cold water.
Daddy, Nicholas & Cousin Cameron on the beach.
Nicholas loves the beach sand.
Mommy, Nicholas & Cousin Cameron at the beach.
Nicholas hamming it up for a picture.
Mommy & Nicholas checking out the water at the beach.
Mommy, Nicholas & Cameron on the steps to the beach across the street from the house.
Mommy & Nicholas at the beach checking out the ocean water.
Nicholas loving the beach with Mommy.
Mommy put Nicholas in the cold ocean water, but loving it.
Nicholas not sure why the water is going up his bathing suit.
Daddy & Nicholas as his feet begin to sink in the sand.
Nicholas & Daddy.
Daddy & Nicholas at the pool.  Daddy dunked Nicholas under the water fully for the first time.
Nicholas having a ball with Daddy in the pool.
Nicholas and Daddy in the pool.

Nicholas loving the pool with Daddy.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
