Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Andrew, Nicholas & Maloneys visit 8-21 July 2013

Nicholas getting on Andrew about spilling his gold fish.  As Daddy would say, "Don't spill it"!

Obviously, Andrew doesn't care about the spilt gold fish.

Andrew picking up his gold fish only to spill more out.

Andrew checking out his powdered doughnut.

Andrew approves the doughnut.

Nicholas approves his doughnut too.

Andrew says, "Awwwww good doughnut"

Mommy & Andrew in the pool.

Andrew & Nicholas enjoy a hug in the pool.

Andrew in the pool as Jack & Bridget Maloney look on.

Daren Maloney came to visit us and enjoyed a pop sickle with Nicholas as Mommy watches Andrew.  The shot had to be higher since the two boys were in their birthday suits.

Ginger, Jack & Bridget at our house visiting.

The Maloneys watch the Faust as they swim.

Andrew in his high chair after eating with some of his dinner on his face and in his hair.

Andrew & Nicholas popping bubbles.

Andrew watching Nicholas pop the bubbles.

Mommy with the boys in the pool again, except this time with bathing suits on.

Andrew splashed himself and did not flinch with all the water he was spraying around.

Nicholas holding his little brother in the pool.

Nicholas watching Andrew splash up a storm.

Nicholas putting the pool rings on Andrew's head.

Look at all the halos on Andrew!

Mommy holding Andrew as Nicholas uses a squirt gun.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Andrew's Nine Month Update 11 July 2013

Andrew turned 9 months (9 July) this past Tuesday.  He was seen by the Allergist and Pediatrician.  Andrew has got some of the signs as Nicholas did with his breathing.  So we are doing two breathing treatments a day for a week and then going down to one treatment a day.  He also has a right ear infection just like his brother.  Andrew is on amoxicilian and Nicholas has ear drops for their ear infections.  Andrew weighed in at 24.5 lbs. and is 30" tall.  Nicholas at his 9 mos. was 26.5 lbs and 28".  The Pediatrician told be both boys will probably be taller than me at the rate they are growing.  That's OK; I can thank both side of my families for my tall Uncles.  Andrew has been crawling all over the place, pulling himself up, and chasing Nicholas around.  They both love any form of water.  Andrew has a wonderful smile and is happy the majority of the time, he only fusses when he gets tired or is hungry which is alot of the time.  He loves making all kinds of noises and tries to communicate with all of us.  He usually gets his point across one way or another.  He has been standing and playing with Nicholas and his toys getting all excited that he is keeping up with his Big Brother.  We will keep you posted one way or another; me with the blog and Karen with Facebook.

Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July at Nana & Pap Pap's a few days later! 7 July 2013

Nicholas & Andrew playing.

Andrew is a big boy pulling and standing up on his own playing with Nicholas' toys.

Pap Pap and Andrew the weekend after 4th of July celebrating.

Cameron & Nicholas playing on a water slide.

Nicholas had no problem figuring out how to scale the water slide.

Nicholas coming sown the slide.

I wonder if Nicholas was having fun or not?

Jamie, Madeline, Carley and Nicholas in the pool.

Mommy holding Andrew as he only wanted to put his feet in the water.

Ryder, Madeline, Nicholas & Carley in the pool.

Nicholas splashes Ryder as the girls look on.

Cousin Ryder coming down the slide.

In the shade watching the kids in the pool.

Mommy, Nana, Andrew, Aunt Joni and Lena.

Joe & Aunt Penny.

Uncle Charlie grilling.

Ryder sticks his face in the water for me.

Andrew in a car.

Nicholas taking Maisey and golf cart ride.

Maisey taking Nicholas a golf cart ride.

Over at Nana & pap Pap's celebrating the 4th of July.

4th of July celebrating.

Alan swings Maisey.

Andrew intrigued with a balloon.

Nicholas holding a sparkler.

Some fountain fireworks.

Nicholas sitting on the golf cart with Lena watching the fireworks.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
