Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Video of Nicholas: Jump-a-Roo gabbing away 28 Mar 2011

Nicholas played in his Jump-a-Roo for an hour with the minor spit up from all the jumpin and talkin he did.  Sorry for the sideways view, but it looked fine behind the camera.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Week and Cousin Ryder's 2nd Birthday Party March 2011

Nicholas gettin ready to go to Day Care.

Nicholas chillin out on the floor.

Nicholas lovin him some Mickey Mouse.

Aunt Joni got him his first St Paddy's Day outfit.  Nicholas also went to the doctors the next day for his 6 mont check up.  Nicholas is right in the percentile for his age group on all areas.  He was not able to get his shots due to the ongoing RSV (lung, respitory infection) and ear infection.  So he is on a stronger antibodic for his ears and steriods for his RSV.  Nicholas has had this RSV since his shot that prevented him from gettin it stopped.  Go figure on the insurance company.  Hopefully this clears it and we'll find out in three weeks when we go back and get 6mos shots.

Nicholas lovin him some Capt Hanft (Dahlgren Commanding Officer or CO) on a warm sunny day in March.

Ha ha Capt likes me better Daddy!!!  Capt Hanft outside of her work area to love on Nicholas.

Nicholas' third cousin's 2nd Birthday Party.  Ryder fell and busted up his mouth area.  But it did not last too long with all the excitement and food, girls and presents.  Happy Birthday Ryder!!!

Mommy holdin Nicholas at Ryder's Birthday Party.

Nicholas after his afternoon meal.  But it did not consist of any big people food or even cake or ice cream.  Daddy snuck a binkie into his ice cream and put in Nicholas's mouth.  Nicholas did not know what to think of that but soon realized it was some kind of googd.  Daddy was going to do it again, but mommy caught daddy and scolded himsayin he can't have any dairy yet.

Mommy watches on as Ms Debbie holdin Nicholas at Ryder's Harley theme birthday party.

Ryder's birthday cake.

Ryder takes his turn at swingin at the piniata with the help of Daddy (Allen).

The kids scatter to gather up the candy as the pniata is broken open.  Hey, who is that guy in green?  Cammo is not hidding the fact Mr Herald is stealin candy from the kids.  He is helpin Levi: one of his twin sons to get some candy for his son Wyatt.  Just to clarify the big bad man is NOT stealing from the kiddies.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Nicholas has company over 1-6 Mar 2011

Nicholas being a big boy sittin in Mommy's chair all by himself!

Nicholas holdin himself up and lookin around to see what's going on this past week.

Nana holdin Nicholas while cousin Cameron poses for the camera.

Nicholas bein held by Aunt Joni.

Nicholas after eatin peas and takin his bottle in bed fallin asleep.  He has not been feelin good this past week due to his chest congestion and ear infection.  Poor thing is on amoxicilin for the next 10 days.

Nicholas can still ham it up for Daddy though takin his pictures.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nicholas and Daddy Day (1 Mar 2011)

Nicholas goes and visits with Ms. Marie

Nicholas is bored with this field trip with daddy.  Ms. Marie was so happy to finally meet Nicholas.  Ms. Marie is Karen, Penny & Joni's second Grandma (Friend of the Family Grandma).
Daddy took Nicholas over to see Nana, Pap Pap and Ryder.  Ryder helped Pap Pap with some painting hence the paint brush in his hand.  Cousin Ryder wanted to share his paint brush with Nicholas but was told Nicholas was still too young yet.
Pap Pap holding Nicholas.  Daddy and that dang camera.
Pap Pap loving this with the two boys!

Nicholas & Ryder in Pap Pap's lap.

Nana snuggling with Nicholas.  Ryder wondering where his lovins are.  Pap watching on.
Daddy took Nicholas for a walk after getting home from Nana & Pap Pap's down to the lake.  Nicholas not too happy on the way down because of the sun in his so he slept.  But once down there he enjoyed it.
Nicholas on the dock where Daddy fishes at the lake.

Nicholas enjoying his walk with daddy.
Daddy and Nicholas on the way home after an afternoon of running.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
