Sunday, February 17, 2013

Andrew 4 mos. and Valentine's Day 4-16 Feb 2013

Nicholas could not wait to try on his new Croc boots.

Andrew in his walker.  Still a couple of inches from touching the floor but is getting the hang of it.

Andrew loves looking around and being nosy.

Andrew loves playing with his football Nana & Pap Pap got him for Christmas.

Mommy holding Andrew up to confront Nicholas eye to eye.

Andrew all smiles.  Andrew went for his four month check up and did not get his shots due to a viral infection in his lungs.  But he did measure 27" long and 18.7 lbs.

Daddy & Nicholas on the floor.

Daddy with his two boys on the floor playing.

Daddy & Andrew on the couch.

Nicholas playing with Andrew.  Andrew enjoying a rare moment interacting with his brother.

Nicholas making Andrew laugh and visa-versa.

The boys helping Mommy open her Valentine's Day gifts they got for her.

Nicholas helping Mommy as Andrew looks on.

Nicholas putting Mommy's new Croc clogs on her.

Nicholas thinks the new Crocs are his as he parades around the kitchen in them.

Andrew and Mommy with a new Danielle Steele book.

Daddy opens a card from Andrew and Nicholas drinks from his Santa cup.

Daddy & Andrew on Valentine's Day.  Few days before anyway since Daddy had to work on V-day.

Daddy holding his two boys on V-day.

A nice day in Feb. to get the boys out for a walk around the neighborhood.

Nicholas rides his quad as Mommy pushes Andrew.

Nicholas lining the ball up to whack it with the bat.

Nicholas has been helping Mommy with dishes darn near every night after dinner.

Andrew is all smiles in his walker and playing with his football.

Andrew posing for a pic.

Mommy helping Andrew up on Nicholas in his swing.

Mommy and Nicholas holding the Harley stable as Andrew sits on it.

Nana holding Andrew and football this weekend.

Nicholas grabbing Pap Pap up to play on the floor.  Nicholas telling Pap Pap, "Sit Pap Pap, sit down".

Pap Pap holding Andrew.

Andrew checking out Pap Pap.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Andrew & Nicholas 1-3 Feb 2013

Mommy, Andrew & Nicholas at the pool.  The pool had been shut down for resurfacing.  Nicholas was quite happy to get back in the water.

Mommy holding Nicholas as Andrew looks on; what is he doing?.

Mommy & Andrew watch Nicholas.  Nicholas is tall enough now to touch the bottom of the 2.6 feet end of the pool.  He does not know he cannot continue in the deeper part of the pool.  I have to grab him as he has a face full of water almost gasping for air but with a big grin on his face.

Mommy & Andrew enjoying the 80 degree pool.

Nicholas on his back with Mommy & Andrew.

The boys resting after a day at day care, swimming and Mickey D's for a treat dinner.

The boys watching some cartoon; I'm sure.

Andrew at Nana & Pap Pap's.  Nana does not enjoy her picture being taken; but after 14 plus years you'd think she'd be use to it.  With her hands on the hips I guess not!!!

Nicholas enjoying watching Cameron play his DS game.

Cameron into his game as Nicholas looks up for a pic.

Pap Pap at the table with Great Grand Pappy.  Great Grand Pappy has moved in with Nana & Pap Pap from Cumberland, MD.

Lenah & Aaron on the couch with Nana keeping a close eye on them.

Andrew, Mommy and Aunt Joni.

Cameron getting Nicholas.

Pap Pap holding Andrew.  Pap Pap has a sore back and cannot get down to play with his boys at this moment.

Cameron & Nicholas on the spare bed in the Harley room.

Two hams posing for me.

Pap Pap & Andrew.

All the boys in the spare room playing.

Aaron showing Andrew a doggy.

Aaron holding Andrew up.  Andrew likes to stand.  Andrew is pulling himself up to sit now too.

Mommy & Nicholas making cup cakes.

Nicholas doing the dishes.

Nicholas loves the water as you can tell.

Nicholas watching Mommy spray the pans for the cup cakes.

Mommy pouring the batter as Nicholas is right back to the sink with water.

Nicholas helping Mommy with the cup cake holders.

Andrew getting hungry and wants fed.

Andrew eating bananas.

Andrew eating oatmeal.

Mommy was trying to get Nicholas to lick the beaters and showed him how.  But, Mommy did not know she had the evidence on her face.

Andrew finished up his oatmeal and bananas and is ready to wash it all back with milk.

Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
