Tuesday, December 20, 2011

15 Months Old

 Nicholas is now 15 months old. He weighs 31lbs 9.5 oz and is 31.5 inches long. He is steadily growing. He started walking on December 2 and has stopped since. He has been exploring our house and getting into everything. He loves pulling out Mommy's pots and pans and replacing them with his pacifier.

 He is enjoying the holiday so far. He has been admiring the tree and pulling ornaments off and trying to put them back on. He hasn't tried to open the presents yet so we have been lucky with that.

 My boss gave Nicholas a reindeer made of wood that comes apart. He loves taking it apart and putting it back together. His new word is "DEER" and he calls everything a deer.

 He is still enjoying his time at the CDC during the week. He has made lots of friends and loves to flirt with the teachers and little girls. He has a best friend named "Davis". They play so well together. They follow each other around and hug on each other.  They get excited when they see each other. It is so cute to watch them.

All and all our little baby is growing and learning well. We love him so much and enjoy watching him change everyday.  Life wouldn't be the same without him!

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