Monday, August 6, 2012

Just because...

It has been awhile since we have provided overall status of the family activities.

  Nicholas Jesse has become such a big boy! He is still getting into everything and can now get the doors open so we have to keep the dead bolts on so he doesn't get outside by himself.  He loves the outdoors and doesn't want to come in when we take him outside.  He loves the pool! We try to take him at least once a week for him to play and stretch his legs. His favorite word is "stuck".  He loves to sit and read his books and make the noises of the trains and animals while turning the pages.  We have been telling him all about his baby brother coming but he still doesn't quite understand it, but loves to rub Mommy's belly.  He looks more and more like his father everyday and acts like him too! He is just over 22 months, so we are count down to his 2nd Birthday on 17 September. It is hard to believe that he is almost 2!
  Andrew Robert is getting closing to coming into this world. Mommy is 30 weeks along and knows that it is too early for him to come but he has played havoc on her body. He is a stong baby, kicking and moving all day long and giving mommy heart burn every night now. We just had a check-up on Friday and all seems well. Mommy and Daddy doesn't think he will wait until October 13th to get here. We think we will have another September baby!
  We are all doing well and working hard and planning for the new addition. We hope everyone is doing well also.

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