Friday, March 22, 2013

Oh Boys!!! (22 March 2013)

It has been awhile since I have had time to sit down and write about our precious little ones.   Both boys continue to be a blessing to us.

Nicholas  is 2 1/2 years old and weighs 39lbs. He is starting to thin out and get tall like his daddy.  He still looks like him and acts like him.  He has come along way with his development. There isn't a day that goes by he hasn't surprise us with learning to words. He has been going around singing his alphabet and he sings to the radio and his cartoons.  His favorite show is Special Agent OSO! Second favorite, of course is Micky Mouse Clubhouse.  He talks our ears off and gets into everything. He even knows how to get a kitchen table chair and move it to the counter to climb to reach the snack cabinet. Nick loves going outside to play and enjoys riding in battery powered Quad Nana and Pap bought him for Christmas. He really gets that thing going and drives like a manic. He fusses when we have to come inside. 

Andrew is close to 6 months old and weighs 20.4lbs. He still is looking like my side of the family. He has such a great personality. He is laid back and has this great laugh. He loves his big brother! He watches Nicholas all the time, he is even trying to get to him to play. Nicholas better watch out in a few months Andrew will be into his things and bugging him. Daddy and I can't wait to see this and how Nicholas will react.  Andrew is starting to sit up on his own longer and reaches out to us and to get his toys. He hasn't rolled all the way over yet but when he gets mad he can get half way. He is eating baby food and cereal now and he loves it. He keeps us on our toes everyday and we are blessed everyday that we have him.

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