Saturday, June 4, 2016

Nicholas Graduates Kindergarden and Kids play June 2016

Nicholas' Kindergartner Graduation Day.  He was in the midst of his performance when he seen me with the camera and brightened right on up.  I showed up late; duty calls.

Some of his other classmates.  Actually four different kindergartner classes lumped into this play.

Nicholas watching us instead of participating.

Nicholas doing his part in the play.

Nicholas participating with his classmates.

Nicholas singing.

Nicholas watching the Music teacher.

Nicholas doing his part in the play.

Another portion of the entertainment by the Kindergartners.

Nicholas just to the left of his teacher Mrs. Canfield who was retiring this year she was nominated by the kids for "Best Teacher of the school year".

Mrs. Canfield with her flowers and Nicholas to the left of her.

Nicholas getting ready to receive his graduation certificate along with his cap & gown from Mrs. Canfield.

Nicholas taking his place back on the bleachers.

Nicholas with his certificate in hand ready for first grade.

Miss Nancy was an assistant in Nicholas' classroom.

Nicholas with Mrs. Canfield.

Nicholas having lunch with Mommy after the graduation near the playground.

Nicholas drawing a heart with his name on the driveway.

The boys get new Radio Flyer Big Wheels.

Andrew just cruising along with no worries.

The boys learn real quick how to spin out.  Funny how they carry on.

Another video of the boys with some of the neighborhood kids.

I snapped a couple of pics while at work.  The Harry Nice Bridge leading over into Maryland across the Potomac River.  The dark cloud in the back ground and the sun rising was cool.

A wider view with the power company to the right with the smoke from the smoke stack made another impressive pic.


Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
