Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Nicholas's New Adventures!!

It's Nicholas's thrid day going to the Child Development Center on base. It has been funny to see how he reacts everyday to his new surroundings. He has been worn out every evening because he isn't taking his naps. He will cat nap for 30 minutes and wake up because he has to sleep on his back and he doesn't like that.  When I go to pick him up he seems calm. Once I get him into the car and get moving he falls asleep. He is so wore out that he is in bed by 7:30/8:00 and sleeps all night. It has been an adjustment for Mommy, Daddy & Nicholas as our schedules had to be changed. It is an early morning (4:30am) for mommy to get herself ready and Nicholas feed, changed and dressed and off by 5:45am to head to CDC so Nicholas can visit with Daddy before he heads home from work.

Nicholas is continuing to amaze us with his sounds and expressions. He is becoming more alert to things around him and he spends more time in his bouncy seat and sitting with his boppy pillow which is nice has our poor arms could use a break.  He loves his baby food and at night he expects his Oatmeal with bananas!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like he's doing good at CDC!! Sleeping through the night is a wonderful thing :)


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