Sunday, July 31, 2016

Brunswick, GA stop enroute to Carnival Cruise in Jacksonville, FL June 23-27, 2016

Jordan after jumping into the pool.

Andrew jumping in Uncle Chris & Aunt Nickie's pool.

Daddy after diving in with a under water pic.

Andrew near the over flow of the hot tub cascade.

Jordan swimming under water.

Daddy letting the water pour onto his head.

Jordan filling up a water gun as Nicholas chills out.

Andrew poking his head under water for a pic.

Andrew at home under the water "fearless".

Jumping in and swimming.

Nicholas and Daddy go under for a pic together.

Nicholas coming up for air.

Nicholas holding Andrew in the pool.

Andrew gives Nicholas a big ole hug.

Jordan  midair jump off the board.

Jordan swimming under water.

The boys jumping off the board.

Uncle Chris gets a snooze in.

Jordan, Andrew and Mommy swimming.

Jordan and Uncle Chris waiting their turn as the boys take their time getting out of the way.

Aunt Nickie trying to help Andrew out of the water as Casey and Jasper watch.

Uncle Chris throwing Jordan in the water off the board.

Aunt Cheryl helping Andrew into the boat with Jordan and Nicholas.

Uncle Chris making waves with a boat full of kids.

Andrew enjoying his spaghetti.

Nicholas eating his spaghetti.

Jordan posing in between her spaghetti.
Andrew posing with his spaghetti face.
Jordan poses with her spaghetti face.
Nicholas poses with his spaghetti face.
The kids on the swing after dinner.

The boys try out Jordan's trampoline.

Andrew gearing up to entertain us with a guitar and mike.

Andrew belting out a favorite song.

Jordan putting on a performance for all of us.

Dawn, Mommy and Andrew at the horse stables.

Sophia helping Andrew uo on the horse "Judge" but wants nothing to do with him.

Nicholas not at all interested and Andrew keeps his distance.

Mommy holding Andrew as he pets Judge and Sophia and jordan look on.

Mommy holding Andrew as he pets Judge.

Another pic of Judge getting petted by Andrew.

Andrew finally warming up to Judge and petting him on his own with Jordan.

Sophia holds Judge as Andrew strokes his nose.

Mommy pets Judge as Nicholas and Andrew look on.

Andrew checks out another horse in the stables.

Jordan leading the way as the boys check out the horse.

Daddy hold Andrew as he squeegies off Judge.

Judge checking out Andrew and Mommy.

Judge want petted as he nestles up to Andrew's belly.

Andrew watches Daddy squeegie off Judge.

Andrew & Judge pose for a pic.

A Navy ship that was stationed around Brunswick, GA.

Andrew ready to get in the pool.

Andrew in the way of Mommy wanting to jump off the board,

Mommy doing a cannon ball.

Nicholas playing with a airplane.

Nicholas launches the plane off the front of Nickie and Chris' front porch as Jordan watches.

Jordan having a go at the airplain as Andrew watches.

Andrew turn with the plane as Jordan watches.

Casey loves getting petted by Andrew.

Uncle Chris showing Andrew some monster trucks on You Tube.

Uncle Chris with Jordan, Andrew & Nicholas on the swing.

Aunt Cheryl and Mommy in the pool talking.

Andrew giving Mommy some lovin on the raft.

Mommy & Andrew in the raft as Nicholas feels left out wanting to get in too.

Mommy floating along with the boys hanging on.

Mommy diving off the board with Andrew quick to get up on the board and follow.

Nicholas relaxing in the raft.

Andrew off the board doing a belly smacker.

Andrew swimming to Aunt Nickie under water.

Andrew makes it to Aunt Nickie.

Nicholas going off the board as Uncle Roger and Jordan wait their turn.

Andrew going full blast off the board with Nicholas being next.

A overview of the pool and the happy occupants.

Andrew with Uncle Roger.

Andrew floats with Uncle Roger.

Nicholas going off the board in a fashion of a dive but ends up belly smacking.

Andrew's turn a belly smacker and Nicholas waiting.

Jordan getting some air as she jumps off the board.

The boys sitting down and Jordan wants a seat too.


  1. Rob
    great looking pictures as usual and great time being had by all

  2. Rob
    great looking pictures as usual and great time being had by all


Faust Vacation 2-8 June 20019
